The Aberdeen Young Professionals (YP) program organized a second “five-a-side” indoor football tournament recently. The event built on the success of the inaugural tournament held last year.
The trophy was keenly contested, with the Gav’s Chavs team emerging as winners of the round-robin tourney. Gavin Mathieson, a regular attendee of SPE YP events, received the trophy on behalf of his teammates. He also thanked the YP committee for organizing the event. The YP committee was represented by Imona Adebo and Anthony Onukwu.
The football matches were intense and highly competitive. A total of 12 football matches were played during the tournament. The other teams that competed were The Hunchbacks and a team from Robert Gordon U., mainly student members of SPE.
The tournament ended with a pub outing and networking session. Approximately 30 people participated in the event, and their feedback was very positive. All were in favor of organizing more of these tournaments; however, the preference was to keep it as an annual event.
Next year’s tournament is slated for March 2007. The organizing committee is anticipating a higher number of participants next time around because there will be more publicity to promote this event.
Participants in the football tourney.