Nihal Mounir
Nihal Mounir is a graduate teaching assistant at Imperial College London and a member of the group of experts on carbon neutrality with the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe. Her work focuses on carbon capture and storage, low-carbon technologies, and decarbonization of energy-intensive industries. She has more than 7 years of experience in oil and gas reservoir geomechanics, production operations, drilling waste management, and petroleum engineering consulting. Mounir is one of the founders and the first chair of the SPE Diversity and Inclusion Committee. She is also the chair of SPE Young Member Engagement committee and the co-lead for the natural capital topic within SPE Gaia Board. She previously held several volunteer positions in the SPE Egypt Section young professionals committee and was a director on the section board. Mounir holds an MSc degree from Imperial College London in petroleum engineering and a bachelor's degree in natural gas and petroleum engineering from Alexandria University.