Sunil Kokal
Sunil Kokal is a principal scientist and a focus area champion of enhanced oil recovery in the reservoir engineering technology team of EXPEC Advanced Research Center at Saudi Aramco in Dhahran, Saudi Arabia. Over the past 4 decades he has been involved in applied research projects on sustainability and CO2 (recovery and sequestration), EOR/IOR, and reservoir fluids. He has written more than 150 technical and 60 journal papers and is the author of three book chapters. He has chaired the Researcher Development Program at his company with more than 125 participants, many with PhDs. Kokal is currently a member of the JPT Editorial Review Board, served as the associate editor for the Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, SPE Reservoir Evaluation and Engineering Journal, and Journal of Canadian Petroleum Technology. He has been the recipient of the several awards including the SPE IOR/EOR Pioneer award, SPE Honorary Member and been shortlisted for three Lifetime Achievement awards. He is a Fellow of the Energy Institute, member of the SPE, and is a registered professional engineer of Alberta (Canada-APEGA). Kokal holds a PhD degree in chemical engineering from the University of Calgary, Canada.