SPE Adopts ORCID, Unique Identifier for Authors

Starting 1 January 2023 all authors and coauthors for SPE conference and journal articles must have an ORCID iD.


SPE is adopting ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID), a widely accepted unique identifier for authors, giving them control over their content and eliminating ambiguities. All SPE contributors (authors and coauthors) will be required to have an ORCID iD starting 1 January 2023. 

What is ORCID? @ORCID_Org

Why is SPE mandating authors have an ORCID iD?

  • An ORCID iD on each paper for every author enables SPE to create disambiguation between two authors with the same name, ensuring that credit for a publication is given to the correct author. Also, in case of name changes (e.g., marriage), it facilitates linking papers together. Over time, SPE has also changed how author names are presented on papers (last name first, initials only, etc.); the ORCID iD helps ensure the correct author gets credit for the work regardless of their listed name on the paper.
  • Starting in January 2023, the SPE Board has stipulated that all authors and coauthors for SPE conference and journal articles must have an ORCID ID.
  • For peer-review journals, coauthors will need to sign into their account (instructions here) and add their ORCID iD in their user profile.

Click here for more Information on how to get an ORCID iD.