SPE: The Unlikeliest of Matchmakers


Now more than ever, one of the biggest values of SPE membership is the professional networking opportunity. From personal experience, the sense of community I've found by being involved with SPE and the connections I've made along the way have been of the greatest benefit.

Among those people I've been fortunate enough to meet along the way was a young Halliburton engineer, Holly Evans, who I first met at an Appalachian Section monthly meeting in Charleston, West Virginia back in 2006, and ran into again at the social outing for the SPE Eastern Regional Meeting the following year in Kentucky, and who today helps me celebrate our 11th wedding anniversary.

Even this picture that I dug up to post with this anecdote was taken at an SPE Board function.

All joking aside, while finding a spouse might be the outlier, there's certainly a lot of wonderful people to meet within the SPE community and the oil and gas industry, and I hope to continue to meet many more of you in person in the years to come.