Anireju Emmanuel Dudun
University of Louisiana at LafayetteAnireju Emmanuel Dudun is pursuing a PhD in systems engineering with a concentration in petroleum engineering at the University of Louisiana (UL) at Lafayette. He has interned with Shell and the Department of Petroleum Resources in Nigeria. He has been an SPE member since 2012 and is presently a member of the UL Lafayette PetroBowl team. He was listed on SEG EVOLVE’s 2022 Wall of Fame for his work on subsurface characterization. Dundun has over seven peer-reviewed publications and serves as a technical reviewer for various industry journals. His current area of research includes CO2 sequestration, hydrogen underground storage, and reservoir modeling such as reactive fluid flow in fracture reservoirs. He holds a master’s degree in engineering from UL Lafayette, a second master’s degree in integrated petroleum engineering and production studies from Shell Center of Excellence in Geosciences and Petroleum Engineering, and a bachelor’s degree in petroleum engineering from the University of Benin, Nigeria.