Nefeli Moridis
Developer Relationship Manager for Subsurface Applications NVIDIANefeli Moridis is the developer relationship manager for subsurface applications at NVIDIA, working on the global energy team. Before that she worked in the oil and gas industry as a reservoir engineer and as a consultant, focusing on projects in unconventional reservoirs in the US and internationally. Her current position with NVIDIA focuses on helping to accelerate subsurface applications, such as reservoir simulation, onto GPUs. Moridis has published 11 papers and has presented at SPE conferences worldwide. She was recognized as one of the 2021 TWA Energy Influencers. Nefeli She holds PhD and MSc degrees in petroleum engineering from Texas A&M University, an MSc in reservoir engineering from the French Institute of Petroleum (IFP School) in reservoir engineering, and a BSc from tthe University of Texas at Austin in petroleum engineering.