Job search

Psychology Today: Why Your Brain Hates the Job Search

Hate the job search? You’re not alone. Here are some ways to coax your brain into liking the process.

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“The fight/flight/freeze response can kick in and we either avoid a job search, procrastinate on the process, or experience a variety of negative emotions from anger to depression as we cope with it.” - Katharine Brooks

Hate the job search? You’re not alone. In a Psychology Today article, Brooks, the executive director of the Career Center at Vanderbilt University and the author of You Majored in What? Mapping Your Path from Chaos to Career explains why humans are hard-wired to dislike the process of looking for a new job.

Why Your Brain Hates the Job Search

In a follow-up article, she shares methods to coax your brain into liking the job search.

Teach Your Brain to Like the Job Search