SPE Port Harcourt Section Wins 2022 Ambassador Lecturer Program Award

The Nigerian chapter won after a record year for Ambassador Lecturer Program events completed around the world.

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The SPE Port Harcourt Section serviced multiple schools through each ALP run, which meant each school was able to receive multiple ALPs across the year.

This year has been a record year for Ambassador Lecturer Program (ALP) events run around the world.

The SPE Port Harcourt Section was announced 2021 winner of the Ambassador Lecturer Program Outstanding Section Award who took a unique approach to hosting ALPs in their region.

The Ambassador Lecturer Program is an initiative supervised by the Young Member Engagement Committee (YMEC) to encourage YPs to visit local students to educate, inspire, and develop their skills in preparation for their career. Through ALP, sections are encouraged to host events that will bridge the gap between YPs and student members.

The Ambassador Lecturer Program was originally designed to bring young professionals to schools and universities to provide valuable insights and experiences to students and to get them excited about being part of the oil and gas and energy industry. However, with the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, it became necessary for many sections to shift to virtual delivery. This presented some challenges, such as a lack of face-to-face interaction and engagement and YPs not experienced in delivering virtual presentations, as the program was originally designed to be delivered in person.

Despite these challenges, many sections were able to transition to virtual delivery, with the use of video-conferencing and other virtual tools to deliver content to students who previously were not able to get visits from local members. This has allowed the program to continue to offer its valuable educational content to a wider audience, including those who may not have been able to attend in-person lectures due to location or other barriers.

Port Harcourt took this approach one stage further by servicing multiple schools through each ALP run, which meant each school was able to receive multiple ALPs across the year.

Several other sections also deserve special thanks for their efforts and hard work in delivering their ALPS.

2022 ALP Outstanding Section Award
Port Harcourt Section, Nigeria
2022 ALP Recognized Sections
Lagos Section, Nigeria
London Section, UK
Benin-City Section, Nigeria

In addition to the collective work of sections, some individual YPs have been working exceptionally hard to keep up activities in their region. We give special thanks to the following SPE young professionals for supporting students in their regions.

2022 ALP Outstanding Lecturers

Christopher Iwowari, Port Harcourt Section
Natan Battisti, London Section
Ovie Onobrakpeya, Lagos Section
Mistura Yusuf, Lagos Section

And special mention to Riverson Oppong, Ghana Section, a long-term ALP contributor who continues to give lecturers despite no longer being a YP.

Please remember that to have your ALP visits represented for the 2023 Awards, and to be considered for future awards, make sure to log your events with SPE using the Lecturer Feedback Form.

You can find out more about this program at the SPE ALP webpage to help encourage this in your region.