
Espirito Santo, Queensland, Ibadan, Lagos Universities SPE Student Chapters Win Team Total Grants


[Image Source: Total]

The SPE student chapters of the Federal University of Espírito Santo (UFES), University of Ibadan, University of Lagos, and University of Queensland won grants from Total through the Total Team 2018 program. A total of 188 teams, comprising 1331 students from 38 countries of 47 nationalities, submitted proposals for this year’s funding and 18 teams were awarded the grants under the four groups of Discover, Innovate, Make It Better, and Push Your Limits.

Team Total is Total’s annual grants program supporting projects, challenges, and educational activities organized by student teams and associations around the world. It helps students with their studies, extra-curricular fun and humanitarian projects, and enables student associations and student chapters to organize a range of activities, including field trips and participation in international conferences.

UFES' student-run event 9°Petroufes was selected under the Discover category. It is held annually and this year marks its ninth edition. With the theme “Trends and Opportunities in the O&G Industry,” the event will facilitate knowledge exchange and networking, and demonstrate the diversity and importance of the industry. “Sharing the importance of oil as an energy source and establishing partnerships with professionals, educators, and students are our main goals” for the event, said UFES team leader Filipe Duarte. More information about the event can be found at  and

University of Queensland's "UQ SPE Discovers" and University of Ibadan's "ATCE We Go" teams will utilize the grants for students to attend the 2018 SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition to be held in Dallas, Texas, USA. Participating students will share the experience and knowledge gained with fellow students and create excitement about the oil and gas industry among passionate future engineers.

University of Lagos' "Energy From Waste" team won in the Innovate category. The project aims to use biogas, a versatile and renewable energy source, to provide energy to rural areas of Nigeria and hope to increase the electrification rate in Nigeria, which is currently below 40%. 

The Team Total program also offers an Audience Appreciation Prize for the team which receives the most votes. To support the SPE teams, click here to vote for them.