New Graduate
Tips for young parents on how to make WFH work with young kids at home.
Ten women engineers who are successful in their careers share their best advice for women engineers who are just starting.
Graduation marks the end of a period marked by books, projects, exams, and grades and the beginning of a promising and adventurous professional journey. The dream job materializes only for a few, yet many face struggles. During such times, it is important to remember these key points.
The Oxford Dictionary defines professionalism as "the competence or skill expected of a professional." Of all of the professional characteristics, competence is one of the few that can be objectively measured through certification by passing a comprehensive exam of technical knowledge.
Getting Your Foot in the Door: How Artificial Intelligence Might Stand Between You and Your Next JobIn addition to affecting how young professionals will do their jobs in the future, the arrival of AI can have an effect on how they find jobs in the present. How can YPs prepare for the increasingly automated hiring processes?
Here are some do's and don'ts.
In our quest to understand what the people responsible for recruiting look for when evaluating the CVs of young professionals, the TWA Soft Skills team conducted a survey among recruiters, human resources advisors, and managers.
The oil and gas industry is attractive to university graduates because of the opportunities it presents. However, depending on your timing, it can be a challenging job market to enter because of the fluctuation in oil prices.
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