Career Development

2024 OTC Asia Announces Emerging Leader Award

Zahira Zaharudin was named the honoree.

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The OTC Asia Emerging Leader Award recognizes an early career professional (fewer than 10 years of experience in the offshore energy sector) who is passionate about their field of work, dedicated to industry service, committed to sustainability, and highly focused on safety in the workplace.

This year, Zahira Zaharudin was awarded the OTC Asia Emerging Leader Award for her exceptional project management skills and leadership in complex technical projects. She has demonstrated resilience, innovative problem-solving, and advocacy for gender equality in engineering, leading significant projects ahead of schedule and within budget.

"I am truly honored for this recognition, and I accept this award on behalf of the many other young engineers in STEM who are juggling their careers and family life. My hope is that through this recognition, I and others like me, are able to inspire the younger generation to explore this thriving industry. This award symbolizes the shared passion for making a positive impact, fueling the nation responsibly, and I am honored to have been a part of that journey," said Zaharudin.

Learn more about 2024 OTC Asia.