energy transition
Andy Wood, subsurface manager at CeraPhi Energy, shares the latest developments in the geothermal energy industry and how young professionals can make a difference in the industry.
An overview of the Women Leadership Program at the 2022 Nigeria Annual International Conference and Exhibition.
The energy transition will create many uncertainties for the oil and gas industry. However, the world will continue to need energy from a range of sources to meet growing demand—a challenge that petroleum engineers are well-prepared to tackle.
The industry needs a wider variety of skillsets as it broadens its investments in low-carbon businesses. What are the universities doing to revise their curricula? What new options are there for students interested in the energy field?
The article provides an overview of the production, cost, and key industrial players of different colors of hydrogen.
Over the next 30 years, the world will continue to consume fossil fuels even as consumers and industries transition to lower-carbon energy. Offshore oil and gas will be instrumental to the energy transition because of its relatively lower-carbon intensity and competitive economics.
The first in a series of article that aims to address the oil and gas industry outlook for the energy transition.
As the oil and gas industry faces persistent pressure to cut down emissions, service companies are seeing opportunities offered by the energy transition. The article looks at how service providers are reshaping their technology stack and service portfolios to cater to the changing needs of the operators.
The world is not running out of gas. At almost 400 bcfd, global production exceeded consumption in 2021. The problem is seasonality and geography. Both of these challenges can be addressed through infrastructure investment.
SPE young professionals and students face different challenges and have different opportunities than previous generations. A combined organization would be the professional community of choice for a generation of professionals who are committed to driving long-term change across the energy sector.