TWA Crowdsourcing
While a résumé matters for getting a data science job, having a portfolio of public evidence of your data science skills can do wonders for your job prospects.
Saudi Aramco extracts crude, natural gas, and other oil liquids from the mountainous sand dunes of the Empty Quarter to the waters of the Gulf. Here’s a rare look behind the scenes.
A recent survey by Wall Street Journal and Times Higher Education analyzed the financial rewards of getting an MBA.
A team of researchers at the Department of Energy’s Oak Ridge National Laboratory is using a combination of neutron and x-ray scattering to make the hydraulic fracturing safer and more efficient.
Here are some do's and don'ts.
Due to its simplicity, the Arp's Hyperbolic Decline Model is used in unconventional resource plays. The poster mathematically proves and physically explains why "b>1" can't last forever.
Hate the job search? You’re not alone. Here are some ways to coax your brain into liking the process.
Microsoft deployed a datacenter underwater near Scotland’s Orkney Islands, as part of a project to assess bringing datacenters closer to population centers.
A 2017 US energy consumption chart from Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory shows that a good percentage of the energy generated turns into wasted heat.
Retirement was boring for former Oxy CEO Steve Chazen. So he built a new company instead with bulletproof balance sheet.
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