
SPE Student Chapter Spotlight: Bandung Institute of Technology


The collaborative series between TWA and SPE Student Chapters, “TWA Student Chapter Spotlight,” aims to feature award-winning SPE student chapters from around the world. Each article in the series will spotlight a student chapter and share some of the chapter’s main events and activities recently held.

Bandung Institute of Technology

  • Bandung, Indonesia
  • Presidential Award for Outstanding Student Chapter 2020
  • Date Established: 1 January 1992

The 2020 Presidential Award received by the SPE Bandung Institute of Technology student chapter marks the ninth consecutive award the chapter has received since 2012, with 6 Outstanding Student Chapter Awards and 3 Gold Standard Awards received earlier. Many events are held by the chapter to facilitate members with platforms to better themselves. Two highlight events held in 2020 are “exSPEdition” and “Integrated Petroleum Festival (IPFEST) 2020.”

Field Trips

ExSPEdition is a field trip event series with a total of seven visits to oil and gas companies across Indonesia. It is further divided into regular field trips, Freshman on Field, and Big Field Trip. Regular field trip is a 1-day trip to the field or the office of a company associated with the oil and gas industry. This program consists of five visits, starting from company visit to BP Indoneisa, lab visit to Baker Hughes, rig visit to Pertamina Drilling Service Indonesia, geothermal visit to Star Energy Wayang Windu, and company visit to Petronas Carigali Indonesia.


Big Field Trip provides 1-night-2-days field trips. This program was held in Pertamina EP Asset 4, Cepu Oil Field, Cepu, Central Java. It had several activities: company and business area introduction, technical session, professional and career session, field visit, and corporate social responsibility program.

Freshman on Field was a special event for freshman students to have early field exposure to the oil and gas industry in Indonesia. This program was held in Pertamina EP Asset 3, Tambun Oil Field, Bekasi, West Java.

The field trips are conducted to align with the chapter’s mission of enhancing not only the technical knowledge of students but also to provide them insight about how the oil and gas industry works and the real conditions in the field. This helps the member to prepare themselves better as early as possible before having jobs in the field.

Petroleum Festival

IPFEST is an annual event organized by three organizations in the petroleum engineering department of Bandung Institute of Technology. The event was held under the theme of “Reinforcing the Energy Resilience Through Progressive Innovations.” IPFEST incorporates seven competitions with 78 delegates from 17 universities throughout Southeast Asia, and 9 events consisting of guest lectures and social activities.


This event hosted the largest number of oil-and-gas-related competitions in Indonesia with the highest number of competition types and prize pool. Competitions were held on the following themes: paper and poster presentation, oil rig design, plan of development, mud innovation, business case, and geothermal case study.

The guest lectures covered wide topics ranging from solving energy crisis, enhanced oil recovery, preparing a good CV, and job interview tips. The convention and exhibition covered the topic of geothermal utilization progress in Indonesia, and speakers from national state-owned geothermal companies and Indonesian Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources delivered keynotes.