17 July: JPT Quiz—Do You Really Know E&P?

A weekly quiz from JPT editors drawing from facts in JPT stories and other energy related news of the week.


To find out, take the JPT Quiz. 

Time Limit: 3 minutes

The five questions were inspired by JPT stories and other items in the news about E&P technology.

The game rewards quick, correct picks with more points. Errors are subtracted from the 3-minute time limit.

Don’t rush at the end. The last question is worth far more than the first.

When you are done, click on the "Learn From Your Mistakes" button for explanation of the correct answers and related reads.

For additional information about the questions or answers, or to submit question ideas for future quizzes, please contact Steve Rassenfoss via email.

Loading 17 July: JPT Quiz—Do You Really Know E&P?