Human resources
Mentorship programs equip women with the tools to excel and help close the gender gap in leadership.
Undergraduate education in petroleum engineering has survived the latest downturn in the industry, and enrollment has started to show an uptick in numbers. However, a different trend is evident in graduate training and academic research: the number of researchers being trained in oil and gas topics is drastically dropping.
In this exclusive Q&A, Giovanni Cristofoli, senior vice president of bp Solutions, shares insights into how his team is redefining operational strategies and fostering agility to bridge competitive gaps and enhance efficiency. Highlights include the integration of digital tools, data science, and a unified approach to tackling complex problems.
Texas, Louisiana, Oklahoma, Colorado, and New Mexico round out the top five states.
The energy industry faces a shortage of skilled professionals, and high salaries aren’t enough to attract new talent. We need to show how careers in this field offer meaning and stability, with transferable skills across energy sectors.
Industry professionals can use the 20/60/20 approach to recruit those most likely to be won over to oil and gas.
The industry is balancing brains and bots as it squeezes out barrels of oil production.
Cost concerns temper public appetite for clean energy while companies struggle to find investors for projects.
ConocoPhillips’ CEO Ryan Lance sees a future for petroleum engineers as the energy mix expands.
VR provides an immersive and cost-effective approach to essential oilfield training.
YP and petroleum engineer Natan Battisti spoke with The Way Ahead about the role SPE's mentoring program played in his career and his motivation for helping others as a mentor.
SPE President Terry Palisch is joined by Susan Howes, president of Subsurface Consultants and Associates, to discuss the importance of soft skills for petroleum engineering.
SPE President Terry Palisch is joined by Jennifer Miskimins, department head of petroleum engineering at the Colorado School of Mines, to discuss the academic aspect of petroleum engineering and its future.
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