
Aker BP Uses Data Intelligently To Cut Planned Maintenance in Half

The company used a maintenance optimization plan from Lloyd's Register for the centrifugal pumps and fire and gas detectors on a floating production, storage, and offloading vessel in the Norwegian Sea.

The Skarv FPSO.

Aker BP is an exploration and production company with activities on the Norwegian continental shelf. Measured in production, it is one of Europe's largest independent oil companies.

The company was keen to see how it could make the most of its real-time equipment data to safely reduce maintenance workloads and spending. Aker BP asked Lloyd's register to run a pilot project, with the Skarv floating production, storage and offloading (FPSO) unit it operated as the test asset. The pilot focused on two core maintenance areas: the FPSO's centrifugal pumps and fire and gas detectors, covering a total maintenance history of 60 months. The objective was to quickly demonstrate the business benefits of the recommended approach, combining data and engineering expertise with the AllAssets Maintenance Optimization software solution. 

The close, collaborative approach made full use of Aker BP's existing data sets for the Skarv FPSO and the AllAssets Maintenance Optimisation solution.

The pilot project was broken into three main stages.

  • Gathering asset information from Aker BP, including maintenance history, maintenance procedures, and criticality ranking of every item of equipment under investigation.
  • Analyzing and reviewing the information using different strategies and methods for each equipment or device type.
  • Optimizing test intervals using our maintenance optimisation software and expertise, with supporting maintenance findings, insights and recommendations.

The maintenance optimization approach brought facility-specific asset data together with industry-standard reference files stored in the software. Using risk-based algorithms and engineering knowledge across reliability and maintenance optimisation, the data was analysed to determine the most effective maintenance strategies.


The scope of work included reviewing maintenance logs and related data for more than 100 selected centrifugal pumps for 60 months of maintenance history. The pilot comprised an even spread of pumps in terms of their effect on production. At the top end of the spectrum, the cost of production loss from a faulty pump was more than NOK 50 million. The comprehensive evaluation covered hydrocarbon, utility, seawater, firewater, and jockey firewater pump mediums.

To optimize the maintenance of the FPSO's fire and gas detectors, data was reviewed from Aker BP's computerized maintenance management system, alongside supporting documentation. This covered more than 1,700 in-service devices of various types, representing a 60-month operational period. A target minimum reliability of 99.3% was set for all fire and gas detector types, except 99.9% for smoke detectors (in accordance with Aker BP's safety requirement specification).

Read the full story here.