Ali Dogru


Ali Dogru, SPE, Saudi Aramco Fellow and chief technologist at EXPEC Advanced Research Center, and SPE John Franklin Carll Award winner was elected to the US National Academy of Engineering. Dogru was elected for his outstanding achievements in the “development of high-performance computing in hydrocarbon reservoir simulation.” He is internationally renowned in this field, having published more than 100 technical papers and having earned several patents. During his career with Saudi Aramco, Dogru conducted field simulation studies and led the development team for the company’s first Parallel Oil Water Enhanced Reservoir Simulator (POWERS) in 2000. In 2010, a team under his leadership released the industry’s first billion-cell reservoir simulator, GigaPOWERS. He is currently leading the team which developed the company- and industry-first simulator capable of using a trillion cells, TeraPOWERS. In his early career, Dogru held teaching positions at the University of Texas at Austin, Norwegian Institute of Technology, and Istanbul Technical University. He joined the Engineering Numeric Corporation of Core Labs in Dallas in 1979 and moved to Mobil Research and Development Company in 1982. In 1988, he transferred to Saudi Aramco as a loanee from Mobil Oil Corp., and joined Saudi Aramco in 1996. Dogru earned his undergraduate and graduate degrees from Istanbul Technical University and a PhD in petroleum engineering and applied mathematics from the University of Texas.