
Angel G. Guzmán-Garcia

Energy Consultant
  • Continued enthusiasm in the well-testing segment of the oil industry is apparent. Even though there was a smaller number of presentations among various conferences related to well testing in 2016, there are articles that contribute significantly for the experts and the upcoming generation.
  • Over the past year, despite the naysayers’ comments and predictions, the usual creativity and ingenuity of engineers and scientists in the oil industry were ubiquitous.
  • Energized fluids—with the success of hydraulic fracturing in the US shale-gas plays, why are more operating companies not using energized fluids to minimize the use of water, decrease the amount of proppant required, and (theoretically) enhance long-term productivity?
  • As throngs of people crowd the car dealerships eager to buy hybrid or electric vehicles to stop using fossil fuels to drive their cars, I reminisce about the good old days when hydrocarbons ruled the world of energy. Oh, wait, that is the start of my upcoming novel!