
Celestina Yaaba Kissi

Offshore Chemist ChampionX

Celestina Yaaba Kissi, SPE, is a chemical engineer based in Accra, Ghana. She started her career as a graduate process engineer with Ghana’s Tema Oil Refinery for her National Service. Kissi then moved on to Shell Ghana as a graduate trainee, working on fuel scheduling on the downstream side of the industry. While there, she had the opportunity to work offshore as a chemist on a rotational basis with Baker Hughes. Kissi has more than 8 years of experience as an offshore chemist and a total of 15 years of experience in the oil and gas industry. She is currently an offshore chemist with ChampionX in Ghana. Kissi has been a member of SPE since 2011, and she was the young professionals chairwoman from 2017 to 2018 and section chairwoman from 2019 to 2022. Kissi is currently a member of the Diversity and Inclusion Committee in Ghana, a section director, an SPEI Awards Committee member, and a member of the JPT Editorial Review Board. She can be reached at CelestinaYaaba.kissi@gmail.com.

  • This year has seen a focus on gas development projects and the energy transition. Flow assurance plays an interesting role in this area. Even though the attention has been on the energy transition, where gas development is concerned, the production processes through which gas is produced cannot be ignored. Thus, flow-assurance issues remain prevalent today, and an ana…