David Gurney
Acquisitions and Divestments Adviser Kuwait Foreign Petroleum Exploration CompanyDavid Gurney, SPE, is an acquisitions and divestments adviser for the Kuwait Foreign Petroleum Exploration Company. He has worked in the upstream oil and gas sector for 35 years, starting as a geophysicist with BP. Gurney has worked for a variety of operating and consulting companies, including BG, PricewaterhouseCoopers, and Mubadala. His areas of interest include economics, commercial analysis of gas and liquefied natural gas, and transactions for major hydrocarbon provinces, especially southeast Asia. Gurney is a member of the JPT Editorial Review Board and has chaired and served on many SPE workshop committees, mostly for reserves and economics, over the past 20 years. He holds a BS degree in geology from St. Andrews University, an MS degree in exploration geophysics from Leeds University, and an MBA degree from Cranfield University.