This year, in the presence of enormous challenges, the selected papers demonstrate step changes both in efficiency and in the results of cementing operations.
This year, excellent papers have been presented, augmenting our knowledge and responding to the challenges of complex wells and efficiency requirements. At the same time as we “Strengthen the Core,” we continue to focus on design, delivery, and evaluation of cementing operations.
I am encouraged that we, as an industy, continue to refine and tweak our practices to solve zonal-isolation and cementing challenges in every well environment in which we work. As cementing techniques are improved, so, too, are the cement-evaluation methods and work flows.
As I read through the abstracts and papers that have been presented in the past year, I notice several key themes: verification of cement placement, development of new materials as a barrier, development of new additives to improve the cement barrier, and enhancement of existing techniques.
Despite cement’s remarkable properties, the search continues for enhancements in the areas of cost and isolation performance. Efficiencies and enhancements have been explored even to the point of replacing cement with other materials.
Cementing is central to the discussion of zonal isolation and well integrity.