Josh Etkind
ShellJosh Etkind, Shell upstream deepwater digital transformation manager, has more than 20 years of energy industry experience leading global teams to deliver mega projects and breakthrough innovations across the energy value chain, including subsurface, wells, LNG R&D innovation, decommissioning and restoration, sustainable development, and mega-project delivery. Etkind is a petroleum engineer by background, a certified Sustainability Practitioner, and a Fellow of the Loyola University Institute of Environmental Communications. He concurrently serves as CEO of Sanitation for All, an international NGO focused on helping disadvantaged communities gain access to the basic human dignity afforded by clean drinking water and toilets.
Having previously served on the SPE Board of Directors from 2007–2010, he is now chair of the Sustainable Development Technical Section and chair of the SPE Gaia Sustainability Program, which partners with industry thought leaders to help members operationalize sustainability concepts in their daily work. He has received numerous awards and recognitions for his service to the SPE membership and to society, including the 2021 SPE International Public Service Award, the 2013 SPE Distinguished Service Award granting him lifetime Distinguished Membership, the 2010 American Petroleum Institute Meritorious Service Award, and the 2004 SPE Young Member Outstanding Service Award. Etkind is an active energy innovator and holds two advanced energy-related patents.