Larissa Walker
Technical Lead ShellLarissa Walker, SPE, graduated with honors from the University of Waterloo in 2005 with a Bachelor of Applied Science degree in geological engineering and began a career with Shell as a petrophysicist in Calgary. Her more than 18 years of energy industry experience cover a wide spectrum of unconventional resources including deep, sour gas carbonates; tight sand and shale plays of Western Canada; the Appalachian Basin Shales in America; and coal seam gas in Eastern Australia. These complex assets provide the foundation of Walker’s deep technical and project management insight into the key elements that deliver value throughout each stage of a project’s life cycle. In her current role as technical lead, she is responsible for the front-end development for Shell in Queensland’s Bowen Basin Permian tight gas sand (TGS) assets. The successful case delivery of the Bowen TGS Capital Project has the potential to sustain the existing Queensland Curtis Liquefied Natural Gas project while providing gas and liquids into the East Coast domestic market. Walker is a member of the JPT Editorial Review Board and can be reached at