Linda A. Battalora
Teaching Professor Colorado School of MinesLinda A. Battalora, SPE, is a teaching professor in the Petroleum Engineering Department at the Colorado School of Mines. She holds the Ben L. Fryrear Chair for Innovation and Excellence and is a Payne Institute for Public Policy Faculty Fellow and a Shultz Humanitarian Engineering Fellow. Battalora holds BS and MS degrees in petroleum engineering and a PhD degree in environmental science and engineering from the Colorado School of Mines and a law degree from Loyola University New Orleans. She is the program chair of the Society of Petroleum Engineers Methane Emissions Management Technical Section and a member of the Business and Leadership Standing Committee; the Health, Safety, Environment, and Sustainability Advisory Committee; and the Production and Facilities Advisory Committee. Battalora is a past chairwoman of the Sustainable Development Technical Section and the SPE Diversity and Inclusion Standing Committee. She is an SPE Distinguished Member and was an SPE Distinguished Lecturer in 2019–20.