The papers that I included this month demonstrate real measurable efficiency gains and advantages, often processing volumes of data that previously could not be managed by conventional means. Performance measurement and drilling automation are two such examples, and the papers referenced this month, both as synopses and listed for further reading, fall into this categ…
The newly formed SPE Hydraulic Fracturing Technical Section is working on a project to identify a set of best practices for completions engineers. Once completed, they will be accessible to the entire SPE technical community.
Few industries contain as many phases, steps, and levels of interface between the start and end product as the oil and gas industry. It therefore is hardly surprising that communication, in all its varied forms, is at the very heart of our business.
Specifically targeting ingrained thinking, the selected papers demonstrate the game-changing results that can be achieved even when targeting long-established norms. They demonstrate everything that our industry should be proud of and what we strive for.
Measured-pressure approaches have offered much promise for some time but have been slow to reach widespread application. A spate of technical developments, deployments, trials, and applications, however, recently has pushed measured-pressure drilling and its nuanced variants to their full potential.
As the resources that the industry develops become increasingly challenging, access to a broader range of options and new and developing approaches allows more-efficient and -effective recovery.
The industry has developed a deep and healthy respect for systems-engineering processes and the associated full considerations during the deployment of new technologies. The result has been a significant improvement in the successful use and broader deployment of these attractive technologies.
Many of us work in strong functional environments, where all too easily we can deploy solutions that have the potential for repercussions on other aspects of well design, construction, completion, and performance.
To the casual observer of completions and hydraulic fracturing, it might appear that multifractured horizontal wells are a relatively recent concept that materialized just as we required them for unconventionals.
As the industry significantly increases the number of work fronts in both the established and the new deepwater frontiers, ever-more-innovative approaches are being developed to address the challenges faced.