Nigel Jenvey
Global Head of Carbon Management Gaffney Cline & AssociatesNigel Jenvey, SPE, is the global head of carbon management for Gaffney, Cline and Associates. He has more than 24 years of global oil and gas industry experience with major oil and gas oper-ating companies. Jenvey is an industry leader in carbon manage-ment and expert in carbon capture, use, and storage (CCUS), having previously been the chair of the CO2 Capture Project; chair of the North American CCS Association; program chair of the SPE CCUS Technical Section; and, most recently, alternate chair to the National Petroleum Council CCUS Study Coordinating Subcommittee. At Gaffney, Cline and Associates, he leads the global carbon management practice by providing independent and confidential advice on carbon intensity, methane management, carbon markets, CCUS, and green finance. Jenvey holds a master’s degree in petroleum engineering from Imperial College London.