Birol Dindoruk Elected to National Academy of Engineering

Birol Dindoruk

Birol Dindoruk, SPE, principal technical expert and team leader at Shell International Exploration and Production Inc., and the incoming SPE technical director for Management and Information, was elected as a member of the National Academy of Engineering for his significant theoretical and practical contributions to enhanced oil recovery (EOR) and CO2 sequestration. He is an adjunct faculty member at the University of Houston department of petroleum engineering and a consulting professor at the Stanford University energy resources engineering department. Dindoruk is a global consultant for fluid properties (pressure/volume/temperature) and miscible/immiscible gas injection EOR and reservoir simulation. Before joining Shell in 1997, he worked at the Amoco Tulsa Research Center on compositional simulator development projects. Dindoruk has served SPE in various capacities, including as co-executive editor of the Formation Evaluation/Reservoir Engineering Journal and as a Distinguished Lecturer during 2010–2011. He is a recipient of the SPE Cedric K. Ferguson Medal and Lester C. Uren Award. He holds a BS from Istanbul Technical University, an MS from the University of Alabama, and a PhD from Stanford, all in petroleum engineering, and an MBA from the University of Houston.