Tipping the scales at well over 60,000 tons, BP’s Argos platform is a giant among giants in the deepwater US Gulf of Mexico (GOM). Standing 27 stories tall, the platform has a deck the length and width of an American football field and is one of BP’s largest in the region. One-time KBR subsidiary GVA designed the semisubmersible, the centerpiece of the supermajor’s $9 billion Mad Dog II project built to unlock additional production potential of the Miocene-aged reservoirs estimated to hold more than 5 billion bbl of oil in place.
But that wasn’t always the plan.
Over a decade ago, BP’s Mad Dog II looked quite different. On paper, the producer was looking at an all-subsea development tied back to another large spar platform—dubbed Big Dog—to host the additional reserves. The development plan envisioned a massive truss spar.