Carbon capture and storage

Deep-Learning-Assisted Multiobjective Optimization of Geological CO2 Storage Performance Under Geomechanical Risks

This paper introduces a novel optimization framework to address CO2 injection strategies under geomechanical risks using a Fourier neural operator-based deep-learning model.

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In geological CO2 storage, designing the optimal well-control strategy for CO2 injection to maximize CO2 storage while minimizing the associated geomechanical risks is not trivial. This challenge arises because of pressure buildup, CO2 plume migration, the highly nonlinear nature of geomechanical responses to rock/fluid interaction, and the high computational cost associated with coupled flow and geomechanics simulations.

In this paper, we introduce a novel optimization framework to address these challenges. The optimization problem is formulated as follows: Maximize total CO2 storage while minimizing geomechanical risks by adjusting the injection schedules within bounded constraints.

The geomechanical risks are driven primarily by injection-induced pressure buildup, which is characterized by ground displacement and the induced microseismicity. We used the Fourier neural operator (FNO)-based deep-learning model to construct surrogate models, replacing the time-consuming coupled flow and geomechanics simulations for evaluating the aforementioned objective functions.

The developed surrogate models have been incorporated into a multiobjective optimization framework through a genetic algorithm to reduce the computational burden. The proposed optimization framework reduces the computational cost from approximately 2,400 hours, when using objective function evaluations based on physics-based simulations, to around 20 minutes.

A set of Pareto-optimal solutions of the proposed workflow yields nontrivial optimal decisions, reducing the microseismicity potential and the vertical displacement. This Pareto front highlights the optimal trade-offs between CO2 storage amount, safety, and ground displacement, emphasizing the need for careful optimization and management of injection strategies to achieve a balanced outcome.

The novelty of this work is twofold. First, we demonstrate the importance of incorporating the minimization of the geomechanical risks as objective functions into the CO2 storage optimization workflow to mitigate the risk of induced microseismicity and ground displacement. Second, we leverage the FNO-based surrogate models to optimize a real-field CO2 storage operation.

This abstract is taken from paper SPE 220850 by Fangning Zheng, Martin Ma, Hari Viswanathan, and Rajesh Pawar, Los Alamos National Laboratory; Birendra Jha, University of Southern California; and Bailian Chen, Los Alamos National Laboratory. The paper has been peer reviewed and is available as Open Access in SPE Journal on OnePetro.