Engineering Technology and History Wiki Launched

A historical photo found in the new history wiki.

In collaboration with the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) and five other engineering societies, SPE has created the Engineering Technology and History Wiki (ETHW).  This Wiki-based website is part of an effort to collect, preserve, and disseminate the history of the engineering profession to society members and the public. The new site,, features member-contributed personal histories; oral history videos and transcripts; a technology timeline; and encyclopedia entries that discuss the petroleum engineering industry, its history, and the advancement of technology over the past 165 years.



Two of the historical photos found in the new history wiki.


You can contribute to the project by creating an account here Once you have been approved, you can create a First Hand History, relating your personal experiences in the industry, or an encyclopedia entry that relates the history of a certain technology, company, lab, collaboration or a biography of an eminent petroleum professional. The collection of content will be an ongoing process, and members are encouraged to contribute their own stories and historical knowledge to the site.