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Few things are more essential to the now global hydraulic fracturing revolution than access to fresh water, yet this dependency use has raised environmental concerns and operational challenges.
This paper presents a comprehensive model of geothermal exploitation for depleted deep heavy oil reservoirs through supercritical CO2 injection.
Today, the dependence on primary monitors is higher than ever, so much so that orchestrated efforts are underway to make these nearly foolproof. Often, direct measurements are supplemented with model predictions. Also notably visible are the efforts to integrate multiple perspectives of sustained production.
Geothermal systems, which rely on extracting heat from deep within the Earth, face many of the same technical challenges that oil and gas operators have tackled for decades. Geothermal development can be advanced efficiently and economically by applying proven oil and gas technologies.
Updates about global exploration and production activities and developments.
This paper outlines a technique to evaluate formation temperature shifts when closely spaced wells are produced concurrently and applies the technique to validate the design basis for new development.
This paper discusses the development of a multientry, multistage fracturing system and its advantages over traditional openhole multistage fracturing solutions.
SPE technical papers synopsized in each monthly issue of JPT are available for download for SPE members for 2 months. These February and March papers are available now.
With an increasing focus on clean energy, sustainable operations, emissions reduction, and data integration, the global energy landscape is evolving. Hence, overcoming HP/HT challenges is critical to ensuring energy security, optimizing production, and pacing our transition.