The complete paper presents steps to accelerate enhanced oil recovery (EOR) in a Grimbeek field from a four-injector pilot to 80 new injectors in a rapid deployment. The authors focus on a simple modular strategy rather than iterating multiple possible engineering solutions to distribute polymer across the field.
The goals of the Grimbeek field-development plan include development of the field with a capital expenditure of $4–5/bbl or less and an operating expense (OPEX) of $7–8/bbl or less. The development risk is minimized through the use of a mobile deployment based on the plug-in concept that uses existing waterflooding installations and a sweet-spot-based agile strategy. The authors plan for a surfactant pilot for a second rotating cycle across the field.
The polymer used in the pilot was Flopaam 3630S. The incremental reserves were predicted from simulations that represent an incremental recovery factor per stratigraphic sequence.