Gary W. Schein, SPE, passed away on 3 July. He was 66. Throughout his 43-year career in the oil and gas industry, he worked for several companies, beginning with Dresser Titan, and later for BJ Services Company Africa Ltd., Dale Resources, Pioneer Natural Resources, Pioneer Corp., and lastly, as a consultant. He specialized in well completions and stimulations.
An SPE member since 1981, in 2017 he received the SPE Past Chairperson Award and the SPE Regional Completions Optimization and Technology Award. He was a coauthor of two technical papers.
Schein served in several roles with the Dallas Section from 2013 to 2020, including program chairperson, co-chairperson, chairperson, and director. He also served as a Distinguished Lecturer (2004–2005) and a member of the Well Completions Technical Section (1988–1991).
He held a BS in chemistry from Northern Arizona University.