I hope that, by now, most of you have seen our new magazines website, which launched on 1 February. Beyond a clean, modern design that is mobile friendly, our goal was to make our content even more accessible and valuable to you. If you have not visited the new site, I would encourage you to do so at jpt.spe.org.
SPE has been working on transforming our digital presence, and this new website is a big step forward in that journey. We have made it easier for you to find content that is valuable to you. JPT and our other magazines generate a lot of articles beyond those in the monthly JPT issue—technical content that crosses all disciplines, along with news to help you stay up to date with what is happening in our industry. By bringing all our magazines together in a single site, we have made it possible for content from the different publications to be combined easily, allowing you to find everything we have published on a subject of interest.
The website is organized broadly by discipline but also by topics within those disciplines, giving you the choice of scanning articles broadly or in a more focused manner. Each article has topics and more specific tags at the bottom of the page. These are clickable to allow you to find even more related content. The site has a terrific search engine, so whether you’re searching for information on human factors, discoveries off Guyana and Suriname, or electric submersible pumps, it will direct you to our most relevant content.
If you log in and you have given SPE your primary and secondary disciplines, there is a section of the homepage that will recommend relevant recent content that you may have missed. The homepage also includes a sampling of discipline-specific content at the bottom of the page, a couple of topical focus areas that will change periodically, sponsored content, and the most recent 2 months of technical paper synopses.
Another change you may notice is locked content, starting with the technical paper synopses. This is content that we develop specifically for you—our members—and we want to ensure that it is the member benefit that it was intended to be. We are still making the full-length technical papers available to members for download. You will find them at the end of each related synopsis, as well as in the issue article on the homepage (right column, about halfway down).
Bookmark our new website (jpt.spe.org) and visit regularly to stay up to date. You can share any feedback at JPTcomments@spe.org.