Milestone Environmental Services has announced the ground breaking for its new oilfield waste-disposal facility south of Midland, Texas. The new South Midland facility marks Milestone’s second in the Permian Basin and their eighth in Texas.

The site is planned to open in the fourth quarter of 2017. Milestone plans to hire approximately 20 additional employees to run the facility, and hiring is scheduled to begin in September.
The South Midland facility will be capable of taking drilling, completion, and production waste streams, including oil-based and water-based muds, drilling fluids, flowback, tank bottoms, dirty water, and produced water. Using its proprietary slurry injection process, Milestone securely injects a mixture of the waste streams more than a mile below the Earth’s surface, where they are safely sequestered beneath multiple confining layers of stone. The facility has been designed to efficiently provide full-service washouts for trucks and frac tanks.
“This expansion reflects Milestone’s deep commitment to the Permian. We are proud to enable E&P (exploration and production) operators to produce energy in a more environmentally sustainable manner,” said Milestone’s president and chief executive officer, Gabriel Rio. “With the addition of our South Midland facility, Milestone will be well positioned to serve E&P operators in the Midland Basin.”
“The design of this facility will provide improved safety, efficiency, and capacity, plus reduce truck unloading and washout times for E&P customers,” said Jason Larchar, director of engineering. “We have incorporated sound engineering principles and the best equipment available, as well as feedback from our customers and our operations and safety teams at Milestone. The South Midland site will be our most efficient, safest and highest capacity oilfield waste disposal facility we have built so far.”