An updated app for smart phones and other mobile devices can help workers stay safe when working outdoors in hot weather. The free app was redesigned by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), along with the US Department of Labor’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA).

mobile devices can help workers stay safe when
working outdoors in hot weather.
The OSHA/NIOSH Heat Safety Tool mobile app, for iOS and Android devices, determines heat index values—a measure for how hot it feels—based on temperature and humidity. Workers exposed to hot and humid conditions, including construction workers, landscapers, farmers, and others, are encouraged to use the app to check weather conditions if they will be outdoors for short or long periods during the summer heat.
“With the hot summer months on our doorstep, this app is a valuable tool for employers and workers to help prevent heat-related illnesses,” said John Howard, director of NIOSH. “In many cases, workers rely on their employers to provide opportunities for taking rest breaks and drinking water. This app puts life-saving information at the fingertips of both supervisors and workers to inform them when they need to take precautions to stay safe at the worksite.”