As I have previously mentioned, one of the great benefits of my current role within SPE is that I get to read a lot of papers that are written by our members. It is an ideal way to stay up to date on what is going on in our industry, and it is an important part of my continuing education. Hopefully my selection of papers encourages you to read papers as well, and not just those that I selected. A very useful resource to do that is OnePetro, which is the focus of this month’s selection.
OnePetro is an online library of technical literature for the oil and gas exploration and production industry with contributions from 20 publishing partners and access to more than 180,000 items.
You can find all the technical papers that have been generated for SPE events (as well as events organized by many other organizations) and you can browse the abstracts of each and every one of them. You can search papers in numerous ways, but you can also scroll through the list of conferences and see what was presented at each event. And since it is impossible to attend every conference, OnePetro allows you to keep up with the materials presented at the events you don’t attend (which is more than likely the vast majority).
For this selection, I’d like you to join me for conferences in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, and in New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, that were both held in April 2017, and finally one in Lagos, Nigeria, that was held in July 2017, all while sitting in your chairs and without any travel expenses. Those expenses would be a lot more than what you would pay to get access to actual papers in OnePetro.
From these three conferences I selected four papers, but I encourage you to use OnePetro to see which other topics were presented. At the conference in Nigeria two papers were presented on topics that were encountered locally (pitting corrosion of super duplex stainless steel and improving gas dehydration through pre-inhibited glycol), but are relevant around the world.
Reading those kinds of papers can avoid the proverbial reinventing the wheel. The other two conferences addressed health, safety, security, environment & social responsibility. It probably shows my age when I say that when I started my career we just had “safety conferences,” but that is a topic for another time. One of the papers deals with the HSSE part of the conference, while the other covers the social responsibility part.
I hope you will read the synopsis of one or more of these papers (and maybe even the papers themselves); but even more than that, I hope that you will (begin to) make use of a wonderful resource that is available to all SPE members: OnePetro.
Selected Conference Technical Papers From OnePetro
Improving Gas Dehydration With Preinhibited Glycol
Social Performance Indicators Evolve in Update to Sustainability Reporting Guide
Getting Ahead of the Curve—Front-End Loading HSE in Major Projects
Localized Pitting Corrosion of Superduplex Stainless Steel in a Seawater Application