Pankaj Kumar, SPE, was appointed director (offshore) at Oil and Natural Gas Corp. (ONGC). Kumar has more than 34 years of experience across ONGC’s business functions, including operations management of offshore and onshore fields, well engineering, joint-venture management, corporate strategic management, and asset management. He has previously held key positions in the company. He was the asset manager of Cambay and Ahmedabad asset, and as chief of corporate strategy and planning, he contributed to the formulation of ONGC’s long-term growth strategy, “Energy Strategy 2040.” Kumar is the chairperson of the SPE India Section. He holds a bachelor’s degree in chemical engineering from University of Roorkee (now IIT Roorkee) and a master’s degree in process engineering from IIT Delhi. He completed the Advance Management Program at IIM Bengaluru and Leadership Development Program at IIM Calcutta.