Dawood Al-Dawood, SPE, was recognized with the 2020 Lifetime Achievement Award by S&P Global Platts Global Energy Awards. He is vice president–Northern Area oil operations at Saudi Aramco. Al-Dawood has a 37-year career in management and technology positions. He was recognized for his leader-ship in the development of Manifa, the world’s fifth largest oil field at the time, which set records for extended-reach wells while also protecting the fragile marine environment.
SPE Members Recognized as Top Energy Voices of 2020
SPE Board members David Reid, SPE, and Deb Ryan, SPE, were recognized as Top Energy Voices of 2020 by Ally, a social community for energy transition.

SPE technical director for drilling, Reid, was recognized as an Energy C-Suite Voice for his use of social media for communicating and his activism in the fight to stop sex trafficking. He is the chief technology officer and chief marketing officer at NOV. Reid uses his voice and network to raise awareness and encourage action for professionals with the pro bono group he started in 2018 called RedM.

SPE North America regional director, Ryan, was recognized as an Energy Sustainability Voice for calling on the industry to better communicate its message to the public. She is senior manager, engineering, at Sproule. Ryan is a thought leader and writes about energy and equality.

Mervin Azeta, SPE, a young professional named by SPE as a TWA Energy Influencer 2020, was also recognized as an Energy Sustainability Voice by Ally. Azeta is a product and delivery manager at Schlumberger. She voices her arguments in global energy forums and networking sites to open dialogues around energy and policy.