A produced-water (PW) management framework for the energy sector of Trinidad and Tobago is presented in the complete paper, forming part of an upstream-effluent management (UEM) policy. It addresses the minimization and ultimate elimination of treated and untreated PW discharge by use of an integrated management approach to ensure zero harmful discharge (ZHD) to the environment.
Following implementation of the Water Pollution Rules of 2001, amended in 2007, companies operating in the upstream oil and gas industry encountered major challenges in achieving compliance with some of the parameters listed in the Second Schedule of the Water Pollution Rules. As a result, an informal committee was established in 2013 consisting of representatives from the Ministry of Energy and Energy Industries (MEEI), the Environmental Management Authority, and the Association of Upstream Operators of Trinidad and Tobago. Following these discussions, the SPE Trinidad and Tobago Section hosted an Applied Technology Workshop on oil and gas effluent discharge management in 2015.
At this workshop, general agreement was reached that the way forward was to request the establishment of a Cabinet-appointed committee to consider the issues and recommend solutions to the Cabinet.