A new chapter begins today for Oil and Gas Facilities. In our move to an online publication, we’ve done far more than offer a different way of reading our content. Sure, you can still dig into each Issue (from the Issues link in the header or elsewhere on the site). But our homepage is issue-independent and presents our latest content. We’ll also begin to offer new types of content or highlight items from other online sources that we believe you’ll find of interest.
We know that each of our readers has different interests/responsibilities. So we’ve added a great new way to engage by topics. Clicking Topics in the header shows a list of major topic headings we’ve used in OGF. Click on any one of them and see all content from recent and prior issues that have also been tagged with that topic. To go even further, when viewing an individual article, you’ll also see tags. Click on one of them and you’ll see a list of all articles with that tag. This is a whole new way to ensure you haven’t missed anything you care about or explore a new topic area that has only recently become a priority for you.
Not to sound like an infomercial, but “Wait, there’s more...” The pages are divided into sections. In Focus are our featured articles, guest editorials, and the like. The other section headers should be familiar as departments from the print magazine. Items of Note will encompass some of our new offerings. At the bottom of each section is More items with a right-facing arrow. More items will take you to a page with all of the articles in that section over time. So if you want to see the whole collection of Savvy Separator articles on one page, just click the More items in that section.
The new online publication is fully responsive to the device you are using to access the site – even your cell phone. While I wouldn’t recommend reading those Savvy Separator articles on your phone, isn’t it nice to know that if you were in the field and needed to look something up, you could? We’ve come a long way from posting pdfs of the print publication on the site. We even have a search feature in the header. If you still prefer to read hard copy, there’s a print icon at the top of every article. [We made it especially for you, Ken.]
We’re making all of the content of Oil and Gas Facilities, except for the pdfs of the peer-reviewed papers, open to anyone who visits the OGF website. We’re proud of the content we’re delivering and we want you to share it with others in our industry who would find it of interest. So you don’t miss all we have to offer, sign up for our newsletter. [It’s just for receiving the newsletter, I promise. And you can opt-out at any time.] If you haven’t been getting our newsletters, then sign up now so you won’t miss anything.
We look forward to hearing your feedback on the new online OGF. Please send your comments to our editor, Pam Boschee.

Glenda E. Smith
Oil and Gas Facilities Publisher