An exploration well at the Puma West prospect in the deepwater US Gulf has yielded a significant oil discovery for operator BP. The well, on Green Canyon Block 821, was drilled using Seadrill drillship West Auriga to a total depth of 23,530 ft and encountered oil pay in a high-quality Miocene reservoir with fluid properties like productive Miocene reservoirs in the area. Preliminary data supports the potential for a commercial volume of hydrocarbons.
The Puma West partners will begin planning an appraisal program to better define the discovered resource. The discovery well has been suspended as a keeper well to preserve future utility.
Puma West is located west of the BP-operated Mad Dog field and is approximately 131 miles off the coast of Louisiana in 4,108 ft of water.
The Puma West is operated by BP with a 50% working interest. Partners include Chevron with 25% and Talos Energy with the remaining 25%.