Screen-Handling Systems

The Weatherford removable collar screen-handling system uses a minimum length of blank tubular to handle, connect, and run lower-completion screens. The design results in less tubular contact than conventional handling equipment, which means that more of the tubular can be dedicated to hydrocarbon production. The system includes an application-specific collar, a sliding collar table, and a hydraulically operated automated side-door elevator. A large, 14.3‑in. maximum pass-through diameter enables the system to be used with completion assemblies. The system works with the company’s integrated safety-interlock system, which prevents casing and tubing strings from being accidentally dropped. A shock-absorbing system in the sliding collar table minimizes shock load on the tubular string as the string weight is transferred from the elevator to the table. The system is field-proven to handle and connect deepwater lower completion strings without marking string sections. The technology is intended for deepwater deployment but has the potential to improve the quality and efficiency of rig operations in a variety of fields.

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