
Shell Makes US Gulf Discovery at Leopard

Significant Perdido-region find could merit its own host.

Leopard field map.
Leopard location in Gulf of Mexico
Hand-out/Shell Offshore Inc.

An exploration well at the Shell-led Leopard prospect in the deepwater US Gulf of Mexico encountered more than 600 ft net oil pay at multiple levels. Leopard is in Alaminos Canyon Block 691, approximately 20 miles east of the Whale discovery, 20 miles south of the recently appraised Blacktip discovery, and 33 miles from the Perdido spar host facility. Evaluation is ongoing to further define development options.

According to Shell, Leopard is an opportunity to increase production in the Perdido Corridor, where its Great White, Silvertip, and Tobago fields are already producing. Meanwhile, the Whale discovery, also in the Perdido Corridor, is progressing toward a final investment decision in 2021.

Shell operates Leopard with a 50% working interest. Partner Chevron holds the remaining 50% stake.