SPE Technical Papers Available for Download — August-September 2024

SPE technical papers synopsized in each monthly issue of JPT are available for download for SPE members for 2 months. These August and September papers are available now.

Offshore oil platform, jackpumps
Oil platform on sea.
Getty Images.

August 2024

(available here through 30 September)

Formation Evaluation

Integration of Rock Typing and Neural Network Techniques for Accurate Permeability Prediction in Heterogeneous Carbonate Reservoirs: A Case Study From Abu Dhabi Offshore Field

Applied Machine Learning for the Imputation of Missing Core Petrophysical Property Data in Clastic and Carbonate Reservoirs

Machine-Learning-Assisted Prediction of Electrical Properties for Heterogeneous Reservoirs: Case Study in Mamey Field, Northern Colombia

Subsea Systems

Safe and Successful Gas-Hydrate-Plug Remediation in Vega Asset: Norwegian Gas Condensate Subsea Production System

Health, Safety, and Environment

Excellence Journey Toward Environmental Stewardship Through Circular and Sustainable Decarbonization, Ecosystem, and Biodiversity Initiatives

Path to a Green and Circular Decommissioning

Natural Gas Production

A Data-Driven Journey Into Liquid-Loading Detection and Prediction

Novel Ways of Optimizing Production of Gas Wells Suffering From Downhole Salt Deposition

Numerical RTA for Dry Gas Wells

September 2024

(available here through 31 October)

Reservoir Surveillance

Digital Solution for Well Surveillance in Stacked Reservoirs With Near-Critical Fluid Systems

A New Automated Workflow for Well Monitoring Using Permanent Pressure and Rate Measurements

Assessing the Value of Reservoir Surveillance Data From Gas Fields Producing to LNG Plants Using VOI (Value of Information)

Field Development

Assessment of Augmented Depletion Development Technology Across US Shale Plays

A New Paradigm for Automatic Well-Path Generation Using Multidisciplinary Constraints

Offshore Facilities

Automated Nondestructive Weld Inspection in Splash/Subsea Zone

Oilfield Chemistry

Lithium Extraction From North Sea Oilfield Brines Using Ion-Exchange Membranes

Enhancing Bioremediation of Petroleum-Contaminated Soil Using Rhamnolipids: A Combined Laboratory and Field Study

Graphene Nanoplatelets for Extended Lifetime of Scale‑Inhibitor Squeeze Treatment in High‑Temperature Reservoir

Topics Coming Up in October

Offshore Drilling and Completion | Artificial Lift | Data Analytics | Sand Management