February 2025
(available here through 31 March)
Drilling Automation and Innovation
Real-Time Stick/Slip Mitigation Using Combined Machine-Learning and Physics-Based Techniques
Methodology for Preventing Drillstring Fatigue and Failure in Deep Well With Large Shallow Dogleg
Well Construction in the Era of Big Data: It’s Not Data Analytics, It’s Engineering With Data
Well Testing
Driving Deep Transient Testing With a Complete Digital Workflow: A Sustainable Exploration in Green Fields
New Approach for Well-Cleanup and Well-Testing Operations in High-Rate Gas-Condensate Fields Resulting in Smart Sand-Management System
Shale-Oil Quality Evaluation of Sand-Shale Laminated Reservoir Based on Wireline Formation Test
Formation Evaluation
Effects of Cyclic Salt Precipitation on CO2 Injectivity: From Pore Scale to Near Wellbore
Regional Pore-Pressure Variations of the Wolfcamp, Dean, Spraberry, and Bone Spring Formations of the Midland and Delaware Basins in the USA
Multilayer Reservoir Mapping in Low-Resistivity, Low‑Contrast Clastic Reservoir Using Integration of Ultradeep Azimuthal Resistivity 1D and 3D Inversions
Energy-Based Fracture-Network Reconstruction of Shale Gas Reservoir
Joint-Domain Full-Waveform Inversion and Its Applications to Ultrashallow Water OBN Data
Elastic Dislocation Modeling Is an Indirect Tool for Subseismic Natural-Fractures Identification for Carbonate Reservoirs in Wildcat, Exploratory, and Development Blocks: A Case Study From the Complex Compressional Tectonic Zone of Pakistan
March 2025
(available here through 30 April)
CO2, Natural Gas, and Hydrogen Storage
Technoeconomic Optimization of Underground Hydrogen Storage in Aquifers
Accelerated Calibration and CO2 Plume Tracking at the Illinois Basin Decatur Project: A Dynamic Mode‑Decomposition and Data-Assimilation Approach
Cornegliano, or How a New Porous UGS Asset Can Rapidly Provide Multiple Services to the Grid
Production Monitoring
Automated Remote Metering Monitoring
Hybrid Virtual-Flow and Pressure-Metering Approach Integrating Physics and Machine-Learning Models for Accurate and Efficient Rates and Bottomhole Pressure Prediction
Horizontal Well-Flow-Profile Assessment: Advanced Thermal-Hydrodynamic Modeling With Fracture-Flow Analysis
Backup-Ring Optimization for High-Temperature and High‑Pressure Applications Through Dynamic Composition Modification in Composite 3D Printing
Effect of Thermal Interference in an Offshore HP/HT Gasfield Development
15K Multientry Cemented Multistage Fracturing System—Alternative Completion Method for Deep Tight Gas Wells
Geothermal Energy
Geothermal Exploitation Through Recycling Supercritical CO2 After Thermal Recovery in Deep Heavy Oil Reservoirs
Decarbonizing the Residential Sector With Geothermal District-Heating Networks: The Contribution of Hydrocarbon Wells
Thermal Effects on Drilling Performance in Hot Dry Rock
Topics Coming Up in March
Natural Gas Processing and Handling | Completions | Heavy Oil | History Matching and Forecasting