capital projects
SponsoredWhile WACC is frequently used as the base discount rate for corporate-level decision-making, using it as a universal discount rate for projects can result in inaccurate project valuations. Incorporating the opportunity cost of capital provides a more nuanced and accurate approach to project evaluation.
A new report from Rystad Energy expects more than $200 billion will flow into greenfield offshore projects over the next 2 years.
Both companies are set to increase their investment in the Permian Basin in the new year.
The world's largest oil company has taken its lumps from 2020 and is ready to look forward to higher oil demand and the coming of a hydrogen market.
Independent Project Analysis researchers took a closer look at site project system staffing approaches including full alliance, owner engineering, contractor engineering, and core staffing to determine the effect of staffing characteristics on capital project outcomes.
The average project loses 22% expected net present value at authorization, and only 60% of projects meet all their business objectives once they are completed. Executives can do a lot to increase capital project effectiveness by being committed to the stage-gate process.
Independent Project Analysis (IPA) partnered with the sustainability department of a major integrated oil company to study the effect of core sustainability practices on capital project outcomes.