gas lift
Getting more out of gas lift requires understanding how gas injections interact with the oil, water, and gas flowing up the well—in other words, multiphase flow. Some papers are listed to get you started.
Unconventional production patterns in the Permian Basin are leading producers to replace electrical submersible pumps (ESPs) with gas lift, which had been little used there.
Use of surfactants and gas lift in combination to suppress severe slugging were tested. Surfactants were able to suppress severe slugging for most of the cases, and gas lift helped significantly.
When a gas lift system starts performing poorly, there is a good chance no one will notice. It is not an event that demands attention like a broken pump. A gas lift system will continue injecting gas into wells and oil will continue to come out. Just not as much oil as there could be.
A well drilled and completed in a marginal field offshore India produced only gas until the oil-bearing sands were perforated and the well was put on commingled-oil-and-gas production.
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